38 The Macros Easy Food Guide

Food Guide Improved12

The Macros Easy Food Guide (MEF-G) solves the problem of maintaining an ideal weight. Forget counting calories. Forget counting macros. Choose your food according to your weight. Nature and time will take care of the rest.

MEF-G is based on the original Food Pyramid, with the errors corrected. If you want to lose weight you select food groups towards the top of the pyramid. If you want to gain weight you choose food groups towards the bottom of the pyramid. Simple.

Think of it this way: The pyramid gets thinner towards the top. Eat those foods to get thinner. The pyramid gets fatter towards the bottom. Eat those foods to get fatter.

Look at the pyramid and find your weight group. Now choose any food groups or activities corresponding to your weight group or above. The small arrows on each weight group are your guide.

Over time this will increase the weight of under-weight individuals and decrease the weight of overweight individuals, leading to a healthy weight. No counting calories. No counting macros.

Foods to Eat Based On Your Weight Group

  1. under-weight – eat bread and grains and food groups above
  2. healthy-weight – eat fruits, vegetables, and food groups above
  3. over-weight – eat meat and dairy and food groups above
  4. obese & diabetic – maintain ketosis, fiber, and fasting

Foods to Avoid Based On Your Weight Group

  1. under-weight – avoid nothing
  2. healthy-weight – avoid increased bread and grains
  3. overweight – avoid all bread and grains. avoid increased fruits and starchy vegetables
  4. obese & diabetic – avoid all bread, grains, fruits, and starchy vegetables

How Is This Different Than The Old Food Pyramid?

  1. The Food Pyramid contains added oils and sugars. MEF-G does not. Instead, MEF-G has recognized the role of fiber.
  2. The Food Pyramid recommends the same diet for everyone. MEF-G shows that you cannot have a single diet that works for everyone. Rather you need a different diet for each weight group.

Q & A

Q. I am a healthy weight. Must I give up bread and pasta?
A. Reduce bread and pasta if you begin to move to the overweight group.

Q. I am overweight. Must I give up bread and pasta?
A. You should decrease until you achieve a healthy weight.

Q. I am obese and pre-diabetic. Must I give up bread and pasta?
A. You should eliminate these and maintain ketosis. Diabetes has been successfully managed by low-carb diets.

Q. I am overweight. My doctor said I should eat more fruits and vegetables.
A. You cannot lose weight simply by eating more food. Eat less bread and pasta. Eat more green leafy vegetable fiber.

Q. I am overweight. Is it healthy to reduce fruits and vegetables?
A. Meat and dairy are a complete diet. Green leafy vegetables provide fiber.

Q. I am overweight. Isn’t meat and dairy bad for my heart?
A. Always consult your doctor before beginning any diet. There is considerable debate on this issue and conventional wisdom may not be the full story. See:

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